Finding a Solution to Standardize Process and Improve Operational Efficiency
David Bergeron
IT Director

The Challenge
The structure of the business meant that it would help significantly to have one solution across the group of companies. The team had been using another system from a leading TMS provider, but due to the vendors size, it wasn’t nimble enough to meet the growing needs of KTG. The existing system lacked the necessary functionality that the business required and was unwilling to enhance some of the key features that The Kriska Transportation Group needed to support its companies, especially operating under a shared IT service model.
Choosing TransPlus
One company in the group was already using TransPlus, as a result KTG evaluated the solution further and discovered immediate benefits and key differences from the previous system. What stood out immediately was the usability of the product, the system was very intuitive and it allowed users to onboard and become proficient with the software quickly. The automation of workflows also helped eliminate a number of manual processes that weren’t being addressed with the previous system.
It became clear that the product, Fleet Manager from TransPlus, met the complex requirements of KTG and as a result, the decision was to make TransPlus the Standard TMS going forward across the group.
“We’ve put our stake in the ground and have made the decision that TransPlus will be our standard TMS going forward.”
The Results
TransPlus has proven itself to be an ideal fit while saving countless hours of lost productivity by automating manual tasks. This resulted in efficiency gains across the board while enabling KTG to focus on it’s core competency and ensuring employees were working on functions that were beneficial to the organization. By reallocating employees to different areas of the business The Kriska Group was able to improve business processes by the eliminating the manual effort required to scan documents thus improving time and reducing costs from paper based transactions.
Now with TransPlus as the standard TMS, KTG will work towards adopting it across their group of companies over time.
About Kriska Transportation Group
The Kriska Transportation Group(KTG) is a Canadian carrier specializing in cross-border freight. The firm employs over 1200 people across 10 companies, including 800 trucks, 2500 trailers with operations in Ontario and Quebec.
By embracing the need to continuously innovate, KTG equipped itself to deliver consistent growth and improvement through a decentralized model, leveraging IT as a shared service. With continual investments in Technology and IT services, The Kriska Transportation Group is primed to support the ever growing needs of the business. According to David Bergeron, Director of IT at the Kriska Group, “ The goal was always about standardizing IT systems while reducing the amount of disparate technologies across our group.” The benefits of this have become apparent over the years.
The team at KTG have won the Shipper’s Choice Award eight times and is a Platinum Club Member of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies. The firm’s core speciality is its cross border service, operating truckload services, less than truckload services and brokerage.
Partnering only with Kriska qualified carriers, the Interline Logistics service takes truckload and LTL freight to all points in North America. In addition, the group also operates over 400,000 square feet of warehousing and temperature-controlled services for food-grade customers.
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